Directors Note

Every single day in the world 6,000 girls are circumcised. More than 200 million women and girls have gone through Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting (FGM/C).

I come from a society that practices Female Genital Mutilation for many generations. No one can give a concrete reason as to why they do so. In my tribe they say, “they do it to reduce libido” some other tribes say,” if a penis is in contact with the clitoris, the man will die…”

When you cut the roots of a tree, it will never blossom. It will wither. That is what happens when you chop off the genitals of a woman. You silence her. You suppress her.

“In Search…” is an empowering and inspiring emotional self-portrait whereby I meet other women and we share our ordeal about FGM. Few years ago, I found out that there is a possibility of having a surgery/ reconstruction of what was once lost.

Above all, I got the courage to talk to my mother about her own circumcision, something that is normally a taboo to talk about.

My main aim of making this film is create awareness in many different levels. I want to encourage women who went through FGM to talk about it. It is a monster. I believe that the more we talk about it, the more we will save many young girls from undergoing this barbaric act. The film doesn’t necessarily target only circumcise women but also women/ men and or people who deal with trauma. Also it is a reflection on sexuality.

My prayer and desire is for this film to reach millions of people around the world, and above all, I wish to send it to about 32 countries in the world that practice FGM.

I am looking forward for the day when we will wake up to an FGM-Free society!

My Motto: I want to be a voice of the voiceless.

Beryl Magoko