Am 22.6.21 @ 19:30 (sofern Corona es zuläst) läuft
“In Search…” im Naxos-Kino in Frankfurt in Anwesenheit von Beryl Magoko. Nach dem Film findet ein Filmgespräch mit Gästen statt. is online since yesterday
“Womanhood / In Search…” at FCCC
“Womanhood / In Search…” will be screened at V FESTIVAL CINEMA CIUTADÀ COMPROMÉS on 28/11/2019 @18:00
A review in Spanish
A new review for “In Search…” (Spanish title “Womanhood”)
in Spanish – from Africa Fundatión SUR.
“…Una película que provee al espectador de un espacio para empatizar con las mujeres víctimas de la Mutilación Genital Femenina de forma sutil, profunda y humana.”
“In Search…” at BIFF (Norway)
“In Search…” will be screened at BIFF (Bergen International Film Festival –
25.9.19 – 3.10.19) in the “Checkpoints” competition.
Distribution funding for “In Search…”
Rushlake Media (worldwide distribution) got distribution funding for “In Search…”
So the film can be screened at more festivals and other places to create awareness about FGM/C.
Beryl Magoko gave an interview for Reuters
Kenyan FGM survivor’s film urges women not to ‘die in silence’
© Foto by Andreas Frowein
Review by Ola Salwa in Cineuropa
… In that emotional silence, occasionally interrupted by a palpable sense of loss and hurt, the tragedy of mutilated women is louder than bombs. It’s not only the personal bravery of Magoko that is impressive here: the fact that she has made such a personal documentary with so much elegance, precision and class also deserves high praise.
“In Search…” at DOK.fest Muenchen
“In Search…” will be screened at DOK.fest München on Sun. 12.5.19 @ 20:00 and on Fri. 17.5.19 @ 17:00 in presence of Beryl Magoko
“In Search…” at Docs Barcelona
“In Search…” will be screened at Docs Barcelona on May, 23rd @ 17:00 &
24th @ 19:45 2019
“In Search…” at 48th International Student Film Festival
“In Search…” will be screened at “Sehsüchte”
48th International Student Film Festival on Saturday April, 27th @ 18:30 in presence of Beryl Magoko and Jule Katinka Cramer.
Beryl Magoko und “In Search” am 7.2.19 bei “Frau tv” im WDR
Am 7. Februar 2019 läuft zwischen 22.10 – 22.40 ein Beitrag über Beryl Magoko und den Film “In Search” im WDR-Magazin “Frau tv”, wie in der Themenvorschau unter…/fra…/sendungen/themenvorschau-398.html
Beryl Magoko receives “Förderpreis für junge Künstlerinnen und Künstler des Landes NRW 2018”
Beryl Magoko received the “Förderpreis für junge Künstlerinnen und Künstler des Landes NRW 2018” on 26.11.18
© Foto: Land NRW / Andrea Bowinkelmann
(Details on the pages “Voices“)